Leading Edge: Strategies For Developing and Sustaining High Performing Teams
Drawing from extensive research working across hundreds of teams, Alison Grieve and Jenni Miller have developed an integrated and full-team approach that allows any team to achieve high performance and sustain it.

Team Coaching Edge: The Ultimate Guide to Coaching Teams to High Performance
Unlock the full potential of your coaching practice and take your clients’ teams to new heights with this comprehensive guide to team coaching, packed with expert insights and practical strategies for achieving success.

Values Coaching Cards (10 packs)
Use these cards with groups, teams or individuals to help them to determine their values in any context. You can use this in a coaching context to help people explore what is really important to them in their life, their relationships, their work and many other situations.
The values cards are an invaluable resource in any coach’s toolkit.

Team Coaching Cards
Use these cards with teams to open up a dialogue and create an inclusive environment. 52 coaching questions explore themes such as appreciative feedback, team routines, digging deeper into values and getting to know the team better.
With one question per card and a vibrant image on the reverse side you can use these cards at various points in a team coaching session.

Advantycs License
The Advantycs® diagnostic provides teams with a powerful tool to support & sustain their performance. By completing a diagnostic at regular touch points, teams can measure and track their progress against the Dynamics and translate the insights into actionable and real-world objectives. The diagnostic tools is available in 13 languages.

Looking for more information or still have some questions?
Whether you’d like to discuss the latest research in learning and development, discover how we can help you to measure, improve and track the performance of your people, start a conversation about what coaching could do for you or just find out what is making us curious today, get in touch.